Welcome to Kumon




Campus Campus

Three zones to match the three stages of Kumon school life.

Dormitory Girls/Boys

Kumon's dormitory can cater to the needs of students from all over the country and all over the world.

Kumon Study Method Kumonshiki

"At your own pace" study support enables students to move ahead or catch-up in major subjects.

Sports Festival Taiikusai

The entire school is divided in to four teams to compete in various events in a fun-filled spring day.

School Festival Hyougensai

Held in autumn, a day of creative displays from all classes, clubs and student bodies.

Culture Trip Bunka Taiken

Junior High School students embark on a four-day research trip focussed on one element of Japanese culture.

Model UN Mogikokuren

Kumon's well established MUN program participates in conventions all over the world.

Model UN Kumon MUNK

Held in Japanese, MUNK is a great first step for students wishing to get involed in debating world issues.

School Video

Introduction to Kumon

A 12 minute video about kumon school life.

latest news

School News

Past news stories

# full story

2025-03-15MUNK international

On Saturday, March 15, Kumon held MUNK international, an English version of Model United Nations.

# full story

2025-03-06High School Prefectural Representatives Meeting

On March 5th, first-year high school students held a "Prefectural Representatives Meeting".

# full story

2025-02-08The 20th MUNK

The Model United Nations of Kumon (MUNK) was held on Saturday, February 8th, with approximately 180 students from our school and 30 invited students from other schools participating.

# full story

2025-02-06Qatar Model United Nations

The Qatar Model United Nations (MUN) has concluded for this year. Students, both returning participants and newcomers, dedicated considerable time to preparing.

# full story

2025-01-31Yosuke Ototake Visit

Our school's philosophy emphasizes "acknowledging those who are different," so we invited Mr. Yosuke Ototake to give a lecture.

# full story

2025-01-22U.S. State Department Diplomats Visit

On January 22, 2025, trainees from the U.S. Embassy’s Japanese Language Institute, who are U.S. State Department diplomats, gave special guest lessons as part of the Tobitate! Study Abroad JAPAN program.

# full story

2024-11-052024 Singapore Model United Nations

Fifteen students from our school participated in the Singapore Model United Nations, held from October 29 to November 1.

# full story

2024-08-31Summer Language Trip

Thirty students from our school participated in a three-week language study program at Robina State High School in the Gold Coast, Australia, from August 4th to 24th. 

# full story

2024-08-14Overseas Fieldwork in Chiang Mai

From August 8th to 14th, 2024, Kumon students visited Chiang Mai, Thailand. Located in northern Thailand, Chiang Mai is home to various ethnic groups, including hill tribes like the Akha and Lahu, as well as migrants from Myanmar.